The Fourth Kind

In 1972, a scale of measurement was established for alien encounters. When a UFO is sighted, it is called an encounter of the first kind. When evidence is collected, it is known as an encounter of the second kind. When contact is made with extraterrestrials, it is the third kind. The next level, abduction, is the fourth kind. Modern-day, Alaska, where-mysteriously since the 1960s-a disproportionate number of the population has been reported missing every year. Despite multiple FBI investigations of the region, the truth has never been discovered.

Here in this remote region, psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler began videotaping sessions with traumatized patients and unwittingly discovered some of the most disturbing evidence of alien abduction ever documented. The Fourth Kind exposes the terrified revelations of multiple witnesses. Their accounts of being visited by alien figures all share disturbingly identical details, the validity of which is investigated throughout the film.

Sinopsis Indo :
Pada tahun 1972, skala pengukuran didirikan untuk pertemuan asing. Ketika sebuah UFO terlihat, itu disebut perjumpaan jenis pertama. Ketika bukti-bukti yang dikumpulkan, itu dikenal sebagai pertemuan dari jenis kedua. Jika kontak yang dibuat dengan makhluk luar angkasa, itu adalah jenis ketiga. Tingkat berikutnya, penculikan, adalah jenis keempat. Modern-hari, Alaska, di mana-misterius sejak tahun 1960-an-sebuah jumlah yang tidak proporsional dari populasi telah dilaporkan hilang setiap tahun. Meskipun penyelidikan FBI beberapa daerah, kebenaran tidak pernah ditemukan.

Di sini, di wilayah terpencil ini, psikolog Dr Abigail Tyler mulai rekaman video sesi dengan pasien trauma dan tidak sengaja menemukan beberapa bukti yang paling mengganggu dari penculikan alien pernah didokumentasikan. Para Jenis Keempat exposes wahyu takut beberapa saksi. rekening mereka menjadi dikunjungi oleh tokoh-tokoh asing berbagi semua rincian mengganggu identik, validitas yang diselidiki dalam film tersebut.

Director : Olatunde Osunsanmi
Date Released : 6 November 2009
Quality : DVDRip XviD-DiAMOND
Starring : Milla Jovovich, Elias Koteas, Will Patton
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller


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The House of The Devil

Ini adalah 1983. Frustrasi dengan tinggal di asrama dengan teman sekamarnya keranjingan dan berantakan, Samantha Hughes (Jocelin Donahue) menyewa apartemen kecil. Meskipun induk semang (Dee Wallace) setuju untuk tidak dikenakan biaya deposit-nya, Samantha masih harus datang dengan $ 300 untuk sewa bulan pertama. Dia menjawab iklan untuk pengasuh anak. Orang yang menempatkan iklan dia memberitahukan bahwa ia dan istrinya membutuhkannya malam sementara mereka menghadiri pesta untuk menyaksikan gerhana bulan, bulan akan sama sekali dalam bayangan bumi pada tengah malam. Meskipun ia bersikap aneh di telepon, putus asa Samantha mengarah untuk menerima tawaran tersebut.

teman terbaik Samantha Megan (Greta Gerwig) drive ke pekerjaan, yang di sebuah rumah terpencil di hutan. Di sana, Mr Ulman (Tom Noonan), orang yang menempatkan iklan, menunjukkan bahwa Samantha tidak akan menjaga anak tapi merawat ibu tua di hukum. Samantha mencoba untuk mundur tapi ketika Mr Ulman menawarkan 400 $ nya dia setuju untuk menginap keberatan Megan. Megan daun. Pada perjalanan pulang, ia berhenti di sebuah kuburan di dekatnya untuk merokok. Ketika malfungsi korek api, seorang pria muda, Victor (AJ Bowen) tiba-tiba muncul di jendela dan menawarkan dirinya cahaya. Dia kemudian bertanya apakah dia babysitter tersebut. Ketika dia bilang tidak, Victor tunas di wajah, membunuhnya.

Samantha bertemu Mrs Ulman (Mary Woronov) ketika ia muncul dari ruang bawah tanah. Mrs Ulman menjelaskan ia mencari bulu nya kemudian membuat Samantha tidak nyaman dengan memberikan komentar tentang bagaimana ia harus diinginkan untuk anak laki-laki muda. The Ulmans Samantha memberikan setengah dari biaya babysitter ditambah uang untuk memesan pizza. Mr Ulman Samantha menjamin bahwa ibu dalam hukum tidak akan kesulitan dan mungkin akan tetap sendiri di kamar atas. Mereka juga meninggalkan nomor telepon di mana mereka bisa dihubungi jika ada yang tidak beres.

Samantha mencoba untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tetapi menemukan rumah menyeramkan. Dia order pizza dan, sementara menari di sekitar rumah mendengarkan Walkman-nya, sengaja memecahkan vas bunga. Sementara membersihkannya, ia melihat bahwa lemari itu penuh mantel bulu. Dia juga menemukan kotak yang penuh dengan foto-foto keluarga selain Ulmans, berpose di depan rumah dan mobil yang Samantha melihat di halaman sebelumnya. Victor memberikan pizza untuk Samantha, lalu mengembara di sekitar properti itu untuk tetap mengawasinya.

Tanpa diketahui Samantha, keluarga, dia melihat dalam foto terletak dibantai di kamar tidur di lantai atas, diatur sebagai bagian dari suatu pentagram berdarah. Samantha mendengar suara-suara aneh, dan dipersenjatai dengan pisau, pergi untuk menjelajahi loteng. Pada tengah malam, semua lampu di rumah pukulan keluar. Samantha melihat tangan membuka pintu loteng, dan ia melewati keluar.

Ketika dia terbangun, dia tercekik dan terikat dengan slab lantai bawah tanah, dikelilingi oleh simbol setan. The Ulmans - termasuk anak mereka, Victor - dan setan dwarfish masuk. Setan itu menggambar pentagram di perut Samantha, kemudian mencoba untuk memaksa dia untuk minum darah dari tengkorak hewan aneh. Samantha istirahat bebas dari obligasi dan bergegas ke lantai atas. Melihat tubuh Megan di dapur, mengambil pisau Samantha. Victor chases dan tunas di bahu, tapi dia celah tenggorokan, membunuh dia. Samantha adalah didera dengan sakit perut dan berkedip wajah setan. Mrs Ulman sudut di kamar tidur dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa hal itu terlalu terlambat bagi Samantha untuk mengubah rencana tersebut. Mrs Ulman terganggu ketika dia percaya bahwa gerhana sedang mengirim pesan nya dari setan, dan Samantha menikam di belakang. Victor meraih pistol, Samantha melarikan diri dari rumah, dikejar oleh Mr Ulman, yang cedera ketika Samantha melarikan diri dari ruang bawah tanah. Dia mencoba menenangkannya dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa Setan akan tiba segera setelah gerhana selesai. Percaya itu menjadi satu-satunya solusi, Samantha tunas dirinya di kepala.

Lokal penyiar berbicara tentang bagaimana para astronom bingung bahwa bulan tampaknya bergerak melalui gerhana lebih cepat daripada seharusnya. Samantha meletakkan koma di rumah sakit tapi dia dan bayinya diharapkan sembuh total.

Director : Ti West
Dated Released : 2009
Quality : BRRip 720p
Cast : Jocelin Donahue, Tom Noonan, Mary Woronov
Genre : Horror | Thriller


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The Shining

Jack Torrance becomes the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel up in the secluded mountains of Colorado. Jack, being a family man, takes his wife and son to the hotel to keep him company throughout the long and isolated nights. During their stay strange things occur when Jack's son Danny sees gruesome images powered by a force called "The Shining" and Jack is heavily affected by this. Along with writer's block and the demons of the hotel haunting him Jack has a complete mental breakdown and the situation takes a sinister turn for the worse.

Sinopsis Indo :
Jack Torrance menjadi pengurus di Hotel Overlook di pegunungan terpencil dari Colorado. Jack, sebagai seorang keluarga, mengambil istri dan anaknya ke hotel untuk menemaninya sepanjang malam-malam panjang dan terisolasi. Selama mereka tinggal hal-hal aneh terjadi ketika anak Jack Danny melihat gambar mengerikan itu didukung oleh kekuatan yang disebut "The Shining" dan Jack sangat dipengaruhi oleh ini.
Seiring dengan blok penulis dan setan-setan dari hotel menghantuinya Jack memiliki gangguan mental yang lengkap dengan situasi membelok ke arah yang jahat untuk menjadi semakin memburukan situasi.

Director : Stanley Kubrick
Writers : Stephen King
Dated Released : 23 May 1980
Cast : Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd
Genre : Horror | Thriller


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The Skeptic

When the forty year old skeptical lawyer Bryan Becket receives a phone call late night, he is informed that his distant aunt had just died and he can only think in the inheritance of her manor. Becket decides to leave his wife Robin Becket and his son to live in the house while selling it and give an opportunity to Robin to rethink their relationship.

However his partner Sully advises him that his aunt had a will and the house would belong to the institute of technology managed by Dr. Warren Koven that research sleeping disorders. Bryan visits Dr. Koven and meets his psychic patient Cassie. Sooner Bryan is haunted by whispers and voices and discovers that the unknown is more frightening than any reality.

Sinopsis Indo :
Ketika tahun empat puluh tahun skeptis pengacara Becket Bryan menerima panggilan telepon larut malam, dia diberitahu bahwa bibi jauh itu baru saja meninggal dan ia hanya dapat berpikir dalam warisan dari manor-nya. Becket memutuskan untuk meninggalkan istrinya Robin Becket dan anaknya tinggal di rumah sementara menjualnya dan memberikan kesempatan kepada Robin untuk memikirkan kembali hubungan mereka.

Tetapi rekannya Sully menyarankan bahwa bibinya akan dan rumah akan menjadi milik lembaga teknologi yang dikelola oleh Dr Warren Koven bahwa penelitian gangguan tidur. Bryan dilihat Dr Koven dan memenuhi psikis pasien nya Cassie. Cepat Bryan dihantui oleh bisikan dan suara-suara dan menemukan bahwa tidak diketahui lebih menakutkan daripada kenyataan apapun.

Director : Tennyson Bardwell
Writer : Tennyson Bardwell
Date Released : 2009
Quality : DVDRip
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Cast : Tim Daly, Tom Arnold, Zoe Saldana


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When an aspiring rock musician TONY returns to his college town to make up with his estranged girlfriend ROSEMARY, he finds his life taking an unexpected turn to the dark side when he encounters a mysterious rock band NEOWOLF led by rocker VINCE and the alluring band girl PAULA. When Rosemary's best friend KEVIN turns up dead, Rosemary seeks out a Nursery owner MRS. BELAKOV who knows the secrets of an ancient evil.

Directors : Yvan Gauthier, Alan Smithee
Writers : Alessandro De Gaetano, Michael January
Dated Released : 2010
Quality : DVDRip.XviD-FXW
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Starring : Agim Kaba, Michael Frascino, Heidi J


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When a Stranger Calls

Jill Johnson is a normal teenager. She has a boyfriend, she's a freshman in high school, a runner...But when she goes over her cell phone bill by 800 minutes her parents make her pay it off by baby sitting. She's driven to the Mandrakis' house, a rich family with 2 kids who are already asleep. but when the parents leave Jill starts getting weird calls. Somtimes the caller doesn't say anything, but when the ominous voice asks "have you checked the children?" Jill checks on them and returns only to have the caller phone again knowing she had gone upstairs.

Jill freaks out and phones the police. They say they will trace the call if she can keep him on the line for more then a minute. But what the police tell her when she succeeds will turn a routine baby-sitting gig into a 16- year-old's worst nightmare. And now she has to fight for her-and the kids'- lives in a struggle for survival.

Director : Simon West
Writers : Jake Wade Wall, Steve Feke
Dated Released : 3 February 2006
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Starring : Camilla Belle, Tommy Flanagan, Katie Cassidy


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Lost Boys 2 : The Tribe

The orphan and former surfer Chris Emerson and his sister Nicole Emerson move to Luna Bay expecting to initiate a new life without housing expenses with their Aunt Jillian, but she charges rent to the siblings for a wrecked house, and Chris seeks a job working as board shaper to raise money for the unforeseeable expenses. While in town, he meets his acquaintance and also former surfer Shane Powers that invites Chris for a surf parting at night.

Then the siblings unsuccessfully seek out the board shaper and vampire hunter Edgar Frog in his trailer trying to find a job and Chris leaves a message for him. They go to Shane's party and Nicole stays with Shane and drinks booze offered by him. Later she becomes a half-vampire and Edgar advises that she drank vampire's blood and can only be saved if the head-vampire is killed. Chris and Edgar search the hiding place of Shane and his tribe to save Nicole.

Director : P.J. Pesce
Writers : Janice Fischer, James Jeremias
Release Date : 29 July 2008 (USA)
Genre : Comedy | Horror | Thriller
Cst : Autumn Reeser, Angus Sutherland, Tad Hilgenbrink


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The Lost Boys

A mother and her two sons move to a small coast town in California. The town is plagued by bikers and some mysterious deaths. The younger boy makes friends with two other boys who claim to be vampire hunters while the older boy is drawn into the gang of bikers by a beautiful girl. The older boy starts sleeping days and staying out all night while the younger boy starts getting into trouble because of his friends' obsession.

Director : Joel Schumacher
Writers : Janice Fischer, James Jeremiasjavascript:void(0)
Release : 31 July 1987 (USA)
Genre : Comedy | Fantasy | Horror | Thriller
Cast: Jason Patric, Dianne Wiest, Corey Haim


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Vince is handling his divorce badly. He's depressed. Gone to pieces. But his mates aren't giving up on him. Struggling with their own women troubles, they drag him off for an ultimate lads drinking weekend in the country. Arriving in the village of Moodley where the women outnumber the men 3:1, the boys find themselves holidaying in a village overrun by psychotic, homicidal Zombirds with a thirst for male flesh.

Director : Jake West
Writer : Dan Schaffer
Release : 12 June 2009
Genre : Comedy | Horror
Cast : Danny Dyer,Noel Clarke,Christina Cole


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The Midnight Meat Train

The photographer Leon lives with his girlfriend and waitress Maya waiting for a chance to get in the photo business. When Maya contacts their friend Jurgis, he schedules a meeting for Leon with the successful owner of arts gallery Susan Hoff; she analyzes Leon's work and asks him to improve the quality of his photos. During the night, the upset Leon decides to wander on the streets taking pictures with his camera, and he follows three punks down to the subway station; when the gang attacks a young woman, Leon defends her and the guys move on. On the next morning, Leon discovers that the woman is missing.

He goes to the police station, but Detective Lynn Hadley does not give much attention to him and discredits his statement. Leon becomes obsessed to find what happened with the stranger and he watches the subway station. When he sees the elegant butcher Mahogany in the train, Leon believes he might be a murderer and stalks him everywhere, in the beginning of his journey to the darkness.

Director : Ryûhei Kitamura
Writers : Jeff Buhler, Clive Barker
Release : 7 August 2008 (Russia)
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller
Cast : Bradley Cooper, Leslie Bibb, Brooke Shields, Vinnie Jones


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Dead Like Me : Life After Death

After the departure of Rube Sofer, a new head reaper named Cameron Kane takes over. He's a slick businessman who couldn't care less about helping the newly dead. Chaos ensues and brings out the worst in Daisy and Mason who begin drinking anew. George and Reggie re-connect for the first time when George reaps a new friend of Reggie's.

Director : Stephen Herek
Writers : Stephen Godchaux, John Masius
Release : 17 February 2009 (USA)
Genre : Comedy | Fantasy | Horror
Cast : Ellen Muth, Sarah Wynter, Cynthia Stevenson


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After the death of his father in a car accident, Kale Brecht becomes a troublemaker and aggressive teenager. When he punches his Spanish teacher at school, he is sentenced to three months of house-arrest during his vacations. Kale snoops his neighbors with a binoculars and video camera for killing time, and becomes a voyeur of his next door neighbor Ashley Carlson. When Ashley sees Kale and his friend Ronnie at the window, he tells out of the blue that their neighbor Robert Turner seems to be a wanted serial killer from Austin, Texas. The trio sneaks around his house, and Kale begins to suspect that Mr. Turner might really be the murderer.

Director : D.J. Caruso
Writers : Christopher B. Landon,Carl Ellsworth
Release : 13 April 2007 (USA)
Genre : Mystery | Thriller
Cast : Shia LaBeouf,Sarah Roemer,Carrie-Anne Moss


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Sweeney Todd : The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

In the Victorian London, the barber Benjamin Barker is married to the gorgeous Lucy and they have a lovely child, Johanna. The beauty of Lucy attracts the attention of the corrupt Judge Turpin, who falsely accuses the barber of a crime that he did not commit and abuses Lucy later after gaining custody of her.

After fifteen years in exile, Benjamin returns to London under the new identity of Sweeney Todd, seeking revenge against Turpin. He meets the widow Mrs. Lovett who is the owner of a meat pie shop who tells him that Lucy committed suicide with arsenic many years ago, and Turpin assigned himself tutor of Johanna. He opens a barber shop above her store, initiating a crime rampage against those who made him suffer and lose his beloved family.

Director : Tim Burton
Writers : John Logan,Stephen Sondheim
Release Date : 21 December 2007 (USA)
Genre : Drama | Horror | Musical | Thriller
Cast : Johnny Depp,Helena Bonham Carter,Laura Michelle Kelly


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The Exorcist (1973)

A visiting actress in Washington, D.C., notices dramatic and dangerous changes in the behavior and physical make-up of her 12-year-old daughter. Meanwhile, a young priest at nearby Georgetown University begins to doubt his faith while dealing with his mother's terminal sickness. And, book-ending the story, a frail, elderly priest recognizes the necessity for a show-down with an old demonic enemy.

Director : William Friedkin
Writers : William Peter Blatty
Release : 26 December 1973 (USA)
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller
Cast : Ellen Burstyn,Max von Sydow


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The story of irreverent supernatural detective John Constantine, who has literally been to Hell and back. When Constantine teams up with skeptical policewoman Angela Dodson to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister, their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles. Caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldly events, the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost.

Director : Francis Lawrence
Writers : Jamie Delano "Hellblazer",Garth Ennis
Release Date : 18 February 2005 (USA)
Genre : Fantasy | Horror | Thriller
Cast : Keanu Reeves,Rachel Weisz,Shia LaBeouf,Djimon Hounsou


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John Skillpa, a quiet bank clerk living in tiny Peacock, Nebraska, prefers to live an invisible life. This might have to do with John's secret: he has another personality no one knows about, a woman who each morning does his chores and cooks him breakfast before he starts his day. Then, in a moment, everything changes...

Director : Michael Lander
Writers : Michael Lander,Ryan O Roy
Release Date : 2010
Genre : Drama | Thriller
Cast : Cillian Murphy,Ellen Page,Susan Sarandon,Jaimi Paige


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Meat Grinder

MEAT GRINDER takes you to taste the bizarre horror of traditional noodle recipe cooked by Boot, a woman who owns a noodle stall, a unique noodle stall.

Boot has been living with tension and stress for all of her life, she works hard for her family as a noodle cook. Sometimes, she is controlled by a mysterious voice that suggests her to do or not to do things. One day, she encounters a chaos in town and is rescued by a guy named Attapol who later becomes her companion. That evening after the chaos, Bus surprisingly discovers a guy lying dead under her stall, she discreetly looks at him and comes up with her new recipe. Bus begins to slice his flesh, mix it with spices, and throw it into her noodle pot.

After her secret recipe is introduced, Boot gains so many customers and reputation of her delicious noodle. Meanwhile, the haunting voice still keeps talking to her, and tell her what to do. Boot tactfully starts to lure and murder people. The more she kills, the more of her dark side reveals. And when Attapol begins to suspect Boot's behavior, he stumbles on the evil of her as he is now the hunted.

Director : Tiwa Moeithaisong
Writer : Tiwa Moeithaisong
Release Date : 19 March 2009 (Thailand)
Genre : Horror
Cast : Mai Charoenpura, Anuway Niwartwong, Wiradit Srimalai


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Prom Night

In Bridgeport, the deranged high school teacher Richard Fenton is obsessed by the teenager student Donna Keppel; she witnesses him murder her family to stay with her, but Richard is arrested and sent to prison for life.

Three years later, the traumatized Donna is feeling better but is still under psychological treatment and taking pills. On her prom night, she goes with her boyfriend Bobby and two couples of friends to the Pacific Grad Hotel for the party. But the psychopath Richard has escaped from prison and is lodged in the same floor in the hotel chasing Donna, stabbing her friends and staff of the hotel that cross his path.

Director : Nelson McCormick
Writer : J.S. Cardone
Release Date : 11 April 2008 (USA)
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Cast : Brittany Snow, Scott Porter, Jessica Stroup


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Repo! The Genetic Opera

In the year 2056 - the not so distant future - an epidemic of organ failures devastates the planet. Out of the tragedy, a savior emerges: GeneCo, a biotech company that offers organ transplants, for a price. Those who miss their payments are scheduled for repossession and hunted by villainous Repo Men.

In a world where surgery addicts are hooked on painkilling drugs and murder is sanctioned by law, a sheltered young girl searches for the cure to her own rare disease as well as information about her family's mysterious history. After being sucked into the haunting world of GeneCo, she is unable to turn back, as all of her questions will be answered at the wildly anticipated spectacular event: The Genetic Opera.

Director : Darren Lynn Bousman
Writers : Darren Smith,Terrance Zdunich
Release Date : 20 November 2008 (Czech Republic)
Genre : Horror | Musical | Sci-Fi
Cast : Alexa Vega,Paul Sorvino,Paris Hilton,Sarah Power


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Nobody Loves Alice

Nobody Loves Alice is about Alice, a sad and lonely woman who always dreamed of finding the right person to be with. Her dreams come true when she befriends a bunch of her co-workers and Abigail, one of her co-workers wants to test her soon to be husband's fidelity. Alice finds herself falling in love with him, as they first meet.

Nobody Loves Alice is the most shocking psychological horror film that I've seen this year, so far. Writer/Director Roger A Scheck provides a very shocking character study here. Its one of those movies that rely, for the most part on character development. It does that so that you are interested in the characters. Scheck does a very good job spending time developing on the two main characters. He does that by going into the background of the main character, and focusing on the struggles of the person that going through, what it's like to have someone you love being abducted. Scheck also doesn't go kill crazy like in the recent torture-porn films even thought there are some moments in the film. He does that by focusing on building the suspense, as it helped some of those moments be shocking. Scheck's direction was very good, as he manages to get his actors to play their roles perfectly.

The acting in the film was also very good. You know that you're enjoying a serious horror film, when you're into the characters and the performances of the film. The cast had very good chemistry with each other, as their performances were very good. The film also has a couple of great female performances from Nitzan Mager and Amanda Taylor. First, Nitzan Mager was very good as the lead. She played her character very well, as she made the character very shy that you feel sorry for her and very psychotic whenever she needed to. Also, Amanda Taylor was very good playing the co-worker searching desperately for her boyfriend. The performance was very good, as she really sold her character very well. It felt realistic and never got too carried away.

Nobody Loves Alice is a psychological horror film that will satisfy those that are looking for dark storytelling and shocking gore moments.

Director : Roger A. Scheck
Writer : Roger A. Scheck
Release Date : 10 April 2008 (USA)
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller
Cast : Nitzan Mager, Elyse Rodriguez, Amanda Taylor


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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003

On August 18th, 1973, in Texas, Erin, her boy-friend Kemper, their friends Andy and Morgan and the hitchhiker Pepper are returning from a vacation in Mexico having been to a Lynnard Skynnard concert. Kemper is driving when a disturbed young woman dangerously wanders onto the road.

They decide to help her, and the woman commits suicide inside the vehicle. They decide to look for a telephone to call the Sheriff, and they end in the house of Thomas Hewitt, where their lives are threatened by the sick Leatherface and his deranged family.

Director : Marcus Nispel
Writers : Kim Henkel,Tobe Hooper
Release : 17 October 2003 (USA)
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Cast : Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker, Erica Leerhsen


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The Blair Witch Project

Heather Donahue, Michael Williams and Joshua Leonard, student filmmakers, set out to shoot a documentary about a local legend, the Blair Witch. In the forests near Burkittsville, Maryland, many children have vanished in the 1940s and people still avoid going too deep into the woods.

So, the party sets out to look for facts that prove the legend, equipped only with two cameras and a little hiking gear. First, they find little piles of stone that must have been arranged artificially, later, they have to admit to be lost in the woods. Eerie sounds at night and more piles of stones in places where they have not been before cause the already desperate group to panic. And one night, days after they should have been back home, Josh disappears completely. Only what has been recorded and filmed with the cameras is found a year later and shows what happened in the woods.

Directors : Daniel Myrick,Eduardo Sánchez
Writers : Daniel Myrick,Eduardo Sánchez
Release : 30 July 1999 (USA)
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Cast : Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, Michael C. Williams


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Doom 2005

Based on the popular video game. In the not too distant future, humans have successfully colonized the planet Mars. Here scientists were experimenting on naturally occurring substances and using the colonizing humans as guinea pigs. The experiment went horribly wrong. Now, a group of marines and a scientist named Samantha Grimm are going to find out what happened. They teleport to Mars via a system known as the "Arch". What they find are gruesome monsters hell bent on death and destruction. Samantha's brother John is also one of the marines sent to Mars to help.

Director : Andrzej Bartkowiak
Writers : Dave Callaham,Wesley Strick
Release : 21 October 2005 (USA)
Genre : Adventure | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Cast : Dwayne Johnson,Karl Urban,Rosamund Pike,Richard Brake


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2001 Maniacs

28 Days Later

28 Weeks Later

40 Hari Bangkitnya Pocong


5ive Girls


A Nightmare on Elm Street 1

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 : Freddy's Revenge

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 : Dream Warriors

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 : The Dream Master

A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 : The Dream Child

A Nightmare on Elm Street 6 : Freddy's Dead : The Final Nightmare

A Nightmare on Elm Street 7 : New Nightmare : Wes Craven's

A Nightmare on Elm Street 8 : Freddy vs Jason

A Perfect Getaway

A Tale of Two Sisters (Janghwa, Hongryeon)

Against the Dark

Aliens vs Predator - Requiem

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane


Alone In The Dark


An American Haunting

Anak Setan

Angels & Demons

Angker Batu


Apartement 1303

Army of Darkness



Babysister Wanted

Bangsal 13

Black Water


Blood : The Last Vampire


Bride Of Chucky

Butterfly Effect 3: Revelation



Case 39





Darah Janda Kolong Wewe

Darah Perawan Bulan Madu

Dark Floors : Mr. Lordi

Dawn of The Dead2

Day of The Dead


Dead End

Dead Like Me : Life After Death

Dead Snow

Death Bell

Devil 2010

Diperkosa Setan




Drag Me To The Hell


Dying Breed


Erotic Ghost Siren


Film Horor

Final Destination 1

Final Destination 2

Final Destination 3

Final Destination 4

Forbidden Party

Forbidden Siren

Forget Me Not

Friday the 13 th



Ghost of Mae Nak

Ghost Ship

Ghost Train (Otoshimono)


Grizzly Park


Halloween 1

Halloween 2

Hantu Aborsi

Hantu Ambulance

Hantu Jamu Gendong

Hantu Perawan Jeruk Purut


Haunted Forest

Hellraiser 1

Hellraiser 2 - Hellbound

Hellraiser 3 - Hell on Earth

Hellraiser 4 - Bloodline

Hellraiser 5 - Inferno

Hellraiser 6 - Hellseeker

Hellraiser 7 - Deader

Hellraiser 8 - Prophecy



Hostel 2

House of The Dead

House of Wax



I Saw The Devil (2010)

I Spit On Your Grave




Invitation Only


Jeepers Creepers 1

Jeepers Creepers 2

Jennifer's Body

Ju-On : Old Lady in White



Kereta Setan Manggarai

Kuntilanak 2

Kuntilanak Beranak

Kuntilanak Kamar Mayat


Lake Mungo

Land of The Dead

Lantai 13


Let The Right One In

Lost Boys The Tribe



Mati Suri

Meat grinder


Messengers 2 : The Scarecrow


Mutant Chronicles

My Bloody Valentine 3D



Nobody Loves Alice

Noroi The Curse

Not Forgotten


One Missed Call

One Missed Call 3 (Chakushin ari final)






Panduan Merubah Subtitle

Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity 2

Parfume: The Story of A Murderer



Phobia 2

Pitch Black

Pocong 2

Pocong 3

Pocong Jalan Blora

Pocong Kamar Sebelah

Poltergeist 1982


Prom Night


Pulau Hantu


Pulse 3



Queen of the Damned


Re - Animator


Red Hook

Red Riding Hood (2011)

Repo! The Genetic Opera

Resident Evil 1

Resident Evil 2 - Apocalypse

Resident Evil 3 - Extinction

Resident Evil 4 - Afterlife

Return to House on Haunted Hill


Rumah Dara


S. Darko

Sarang Kuntilanak

Saw 1

Saw 2

Saw 3

Saw 4

Saw 5

Saw 6

Scream 1

Scream 2

Scream 3

Seed of Chucky

Setan Budeg


Shaun of The Dead



Silent Hill

Silent Venom

Skeleton Crew


Slaughter Night / SL8N8

Sleepy Hollow

Sorority Row


Species The Awakening


Stan Helsing

Star Vehicle 2010

Stay Alone


Suster Ngesot

Susuk Pocong

Sweeney Todd : The Demon Barber of Fleet Street



Terowongan Rumah Sakit

The Amityville Horror

The 'burbs

The Blair Witch Project

The Box

The Butterfly Effect 1

The Butterfly Effect 2

The Cell 2

The Coffin

The Collector

The Covenant

The Crazies

The Descent

The Devil's Rejects

The Evil Dead 1

The Evil Dead 2 : Dead by Dawn

The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

The Eye

The Fourth Kind

The Graves

The Grudge

The Grudge 2

The Grudge 3

The Happening

The Haunting in Connecticut

The Hills Have Eyes

The House of The Devil

The Killing Room

The Last Exorcism (2010)

The Last House In The Woods

The Last House On The Left

The Lost Boys

The Messengers

The Midnight Meat Train

The Mist

The Mummy Tomb of The Dragon Emperor

The Ninth Gate

The Omen

The Others

The Portal

The Real Pocong

The Resident (2011)

The Ring 1

The Ring 2

The Ruins

The Shining

The Silence of the Lambs

The Sisters (Pee chong air)

The Skeptic

The Spiritual World

The Stepfather

The Strangers

The Telling

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

The Thing

The Troll Hunter 2010

The Unborn

The Uninvited

The Wolfman

The Wicker Man 2006

The X Files : I Want to Believe

They Live

Thir13en Ghosts


Tiren : Mati kemaren


Trick .r. Treat



Underworld 1

Underworld 2 : Evolution

Underworld 3 : Rise of the Lycans


Vacancy 2: The First Cut

Vampire Girl VS Frankenstein Girl

Van Helsing

Vanishing on 7th Street


When a Stranger Calls


Whispering Corridors 4 : Voice Letter

White Noise

White Noise 2 : The Light


Wind Chill

Wrong Turn

Wrong Turn 2 : Dead End

Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead



Zombies Zombies Zombies

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The Evil Dead 2 : Dead by Dawn

A sequel/remake of the film The Evil Dead. A young man named Ash takes his girlfriend Linda to a secluded cabin, and plays back a professor's tape recorded recitation of passages from the Book of the Dead. The spell calls up an evil force from the woods which turns Linda into a monstrous Deadite, and threatens to do the same to Ash. When the professor's daughter and her entourage show up at the cabin, the night turns into a non-stop, grotesquely comic battle with chainsaw and shotgun on one side, demon horde and flying eyeball on the other.

Director : Sam Raimi
Writers : Sam Raimi
Release : 13 March 1987 (USA)
Genre : Comedy | Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Cast : Bruce Campbell,Sarah Berry,Ted Raimi


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The Evil Dead 1

Five friends go to a cabin in the woods for a vacation. They discover The Book of the Dead and a tape recorder belonging to a professor, who also owns the cabin. One of them plays back what is recorded on the tape-- which just happens to be Candarian resurrection passages translated from the Necronomicon (Book of the Dead) by the professor, which unleashes an evil force from the woods.

The people start turning into evil deadites, and the others soon learn from the tape that the only way to kill a person who is turned into a deadite is by total body dismemberment. People are dying left and right; one girl early in the film looses control and runs off into the woods, only to be raped by the trees.

Director : Sam Raimi
Writer : Sam Raimi
Release Date : 15 April 1983 (USA)
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Cast : Bruce Campbell,Ellen Sandweiss,Betsy Baker,Theresa Tilly


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Strangers from all different walks of life: a limo driver escorting a movie star, parents with a young son, a cop transporting a convict, a prostitute, a young couple, and a motel manager are caught up in a nasty rainstorm, stuck at a motel in desolate Nevada. Soon they realize they may be at the motel for another reason when one by one, people start getting killed off.

As tensions flare and fingers are pointed, they have to get to the bottom of why they're there. Meanwhile in an undisclosed location, a psychiatrist is trying to prove the innocence of a man accused of murder in an eleventh hour trial. How these two through-lines are related can only be found in Identity.

Director : James Mangold
Writer : Michael Cooney
Release Date : 25 April 2003 (USA)
Genre : Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Cast : John Cusack,Ray Liotta,Amanda Peet,Clea DuVall,John Hawkes


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They Live

John Nada is a man without job who walks around a big American city trying to find something to do. He finally finds a job as a worker and a place to spend the nights, but one day something terrible happens to him. John discovers a pair of sun-glasses through which he can see the true face of people.

Many persons in this city are in fact aliens (from the Andromeda) and most of them are important members of our society. They keep humans in ignorance and they rule our world as they like. Nada must find the rest of the men that know what's happening (those who made the strange sun-glasses) and join them in the fight against the aliens.

Director : John Carpenter
Writers : Ray Nelson
Release Date : 4 November 1988 (USA)
Genre : Action | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Cast : Roddy Piper, Keith David, George 'Buck' Flower


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The Devil's Rejects

In Ruggsville, Texas, the police under the command of Sheriff John Quincy Wydell attack the house of the sadistic serial killers Firefly family (a.k.a. The Devil's Reject) and they arrest mother Firefly, but Otis B. Driftwood and Baby Firefly escape from the siege. Tiny is wandering nearby the house and also escapes. Otis and Baby call their patriarch, the mad clown Captain Spaulding and they schedule to reunite at an isolated motel in the desert.

When Otis and Baby arrive, they kidnap two families of singers, using sadism and violence against the harmless persons. Meanwhile, Sheriff Wydell promises to capture and kill the runaways, seeking revenge for the death of his brother, the Deputy George Wydell.

Director : Rob Zombie
Writers : Rob Zombie
Release Date : 22 July 2005 (USA)
Genre : Crime | Horror | Thriller
Cast : Sid Haig,Bill Moseley,Sheri Moon Zombie


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Hostel 2

Three female college students take a detour from their partying, enticed by a beautiful European woman who promises seclusion, safety and maybe even romance. What they get is a living hell where they are sold to the highest bidder who's fondest wish is to kill them slowly.

Hostel 2 also follows 2 American men who, on the flip side of the coin, are willing to pay to join an exclusive club where a life will end at their hands...any way they like. It's a story of human monsters and the almighty dollar as only Eli Roth could tell it.

Director : Eli Roth
Writers : Eli Roth
Release Date : 8 June 2007 (USA)
Genre : Horror | Thriller
Cast : Lauren German,Heather Matarazzo,Bijou Phillips,Jordan Ladd


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